Tuesday, November 03, 2009

There are those who Bake

... and there are those who don't. I am an "agar-ration" type of cook, so precise baking measures are not quite my cup of tea. But I did enjoy making this Lego cake for one of my best friends at her birthday dinner some weekends ago.

The recipe can be found in this link. What I did was to use a chocolate cake as the base instead of a plain white cake, which was quite a dumb thing to do because the icing picked up so many dark crumbs. But I guess the cake looked so goofy in the end that it made P and everyone happy. :)

The other fun thing the Book Club did that weekend was to have fondue hotpot. Since we were too cheap to buy a real fondue pot, we decided to use a $12 claypot instead. It worked beautifully on the electric hotplate!

Oh yes, pardon, pardon, too, for the long absences from this blog. For those who have been reading my other blog, you would know that I have been kind of busy with work and art school, which leaves little time for cooking. I do hope to be back soon when term ends this month! Am determined to try out the Ratatouille recipe from the movie! ;-)